Winter season trials
December 7, 2021
Winter season is really hot this year in Spectre Solutions. Let us present you with yet another demo of our hybrid VTOL version.
December 7, 2021
Winter season is really hot this year in Spectre Solutions. Let us present you with yet another demo of our hybrid VTOL version.
November 21, 2021
This was very fruitfull and interesting day. We participated in 2nd Qatar-Poland New Tech Forum. It was great to be there and have a chance to present Spectre-1 to our Qatari partners. We would like to thank Embassy of Poland in Qatar and Qatar-Poland Business Council (especially to Paweł Kułaga on great job bringing everyone together).
November 20, 2021
This weekend is very busy in Spectre Solutions and Sport Vision Technology. Crew from both companies and Polska Agencja Kosmiczna are working very hard on making Poland better at „Infrastructure & Smart Cities” project during hackathon in Toruń. Lets keep our fingers crossed for all participants and revolutionary new ideas.
November 10, 2021
We are pleased to announce that we have just become member of the Qatar-Poland Business Council. Our membership expands intensive cooperation with leading companies from Qatar. We hope soon there will be a Spectre-1 UAVs flying on the Qatari sky.
October 28, 2021
Despite showcases on expos like MSPO, Defence24 and GITEX our team is constantly working on improving our drone construction. Today between flights we all agreed that it would be great to provide you with short demo ou our hybrid version. So here it is – short flight demo of mixed (combustion/electric) version.
October 17, 2021
After a lot of preparations and a ton of work we are finally here. Today first day of Gitex 2021. We are very happy to be here. Come join us at GITEX Technology Week let’s AiEverything!